Daniela Moreno-Duron, B.A.

Contact Info
Biography —
Daniela Moreno is a 2nd year graduate student in the Clinical Child Psychology Ph.D. Program. Her research interests include anxiety disorders affecting children and using computerized interventions to create more personalized and precise treatments. She is interested in researching the relationship between parents and their children in relation to anxiety symptoms experienced. In her free time she enjoys to play the guitar and go on long walks with her dog.
Education —
Selected Presentations —
Moreno-Duron D., Misko S., Holbrook A., & Amir N. (2022, November). Personalized networks of the relationship between involuntary thought and reassurance in obsessions and worry. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
Moreno-Duron D., Holbrook A., & Amir N. (2021, November). The role of intrusive thoughts and concentration difficulty in predicting ruminations – an EMA study. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, virtual conference.
Moreno-Duron D., Cullen B., Arienzo D., & Amir N. (2020, March). Neurofeedback as a Potential Candidate for Reducing Error Related Negativity. Poster presented at the San Diego State University Student Research Symposium, San Diego, CA