Welcome to the Families, Anxiety, Cognition, and Treatment (FACT) Lab

The Families, Anxiety, Cognition, and Treatment (FACT) Lab is based in the Clinical Child Psychology Program at the University of Kansas, with affiliated graduate students at its former location at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. We conduct research with parents and children in Lawrence and the surrounding community, and our goal is to identify key factors involved in parents’ and children’s experiences of anxiety. We focus on understanding how thoughts, behaviors, emotions, and biology may be related to the tendency of anxiety to run in families. Although much of our research focuses on understanding anxiety, we are interested in the experiences of many kinds of individuals and often work with families for whom anxiety is not a concern. Our research uses a variety of methods, including event-related potentials, eye tracking, behavioral observation, ecological momentary assessment, and self-report. The aim of this research is to develop and refine prevention and intervention programs for parents and children with anxiety. We are committed to using the knowledge we gain from our research to improve the well-being of children and families.