Fact Lab Updates
FACT Lab Fun!

FACT Lab Bowling Outing!

Ainsley and Daniela attend a KC Current soccer game in Kansas City with Dr. Allen and her daughters!

First Annual FACT Lab Ugly Sweater/White Elephant Holiday Party 2023!

Second Annual FACT Lab Ugly Sweater/White Elephant Holiday Party 2024!

EEG Training

Tise and Owen practicing populating the EEG cap

Thank you, Malha, for volunteering to be capped!

Daniela presenting her poster at ABCT 2024!

Ainsley presenting her poster at ABCT 2024!

Dr. Allen and Ainsley with Dr. Tom Ollendick, Ainsley’s undergrad mentor and Dr. Allen’s graduate mentor at Virginia Tech. Three generations of clinical psychologists at ADAA 2024 in Boston!

FACT lab past and present at ADAA! Dr. Allen with two of her graduate students from the University of Tennessee, Hannah and Megan, with her graduate students from KU, Ainsley and Daniela.

Congratulations to Daniela for receiving the 2024 ADAA BIPOC Scholarship!

Congrats to Ainsley on a successful Poster Presentation at ADAA 2024!

Dr. Allen and Ainsley met up with undergrad research assistant Sean and graduate student Sam from the University of Tennessee FACT Lab at ABCT 2023 in Seattle.
Professional Development